Cherie Savoie Tintary

Cherie Savoie Tintary
I have been cutting it up since 2020 as Kitschy Collagist . Before becoming a collage artist, I was a photographer who shot 35mm film. I studied historic photo processes and traveled to England and upstate New York for workshops, visiting the birth places of photography.
I studied photography and art at Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga, California from 2006-2011, while I worked my full time job as a hairstylist. Ten years ago I relocated to Forest Grove, Oregon from Southern California.
During the pandemic I had a health condition that lead me to change my medium to analog collage and I never looked back. Occasionally, I incorporate my photographs into my collage. I also incorporate found or family photos as well. All my materials are second hand, using magazines from 1890-1980. Vintage imagery and yesteryears’ ephemera make people smile and spark memories for my viewers.
I have found a connection with the collage community in Oregon and Washington. I’m part of several collectives. The one I’m most active in is the PNW Collage Collective. We have meet ups and do group art shows. We had a group show at Powells in June. I participated in an Exquisite Corpse group show that was at the Lewis and Clark Community Center in June as well.
I will be showing at the Hillsboro Civic Center in November called “Second Glances” and “Curio” at The Reser Nov/Dec
I turned fifty this year, so my new works are about nostalgia for the place I grew up, places I have traveled, and creative places collage has allowed me to venture to.

- this artist from washington county -